Saturday 25 January 2014

Teens and their dating world. Parents pay attention maybe.

    She has a boyfriend but he is in love with her best friend but her best friend is in love with her best friend's brother. This is how the teen world works now. Everybody's in love with somebody and everybody is sleeping around. It is confusing and exhausting. I go to a government polytechnic in rural Bangalore. You would think it'd be a beautiful and peaceful place away from the gossiping life of the big bad city but you're completely mistaken! The amount of shenanigans that happens around here is just as much compared to any other college. There are the classroom romances, infatuations, the butterflies, the stars, the spark, the flirtation and everything else. And ,by everything else, I do mean everything else. The kids here are far from disciplined. They do funny business with their boyfriends/guy friends in parked cars with tinted windows, in toilets for students. And after class you can always find a couple on campus looking into each others eyes, holding hands, being the typical boyfriend-girlfriend who are oh so in love. They are kids. Teenagers. But doesn't make them adults. They're merely infatuated towards each other cause education gets too boring and they're forced be in that campus eight hours everyday for three years until the course is done. So they do need a distraction cause nobody pays complete attention in class. It's impossible to pay attention for an hour continuously and grasp everything. Human beings are known to be survivors. And to survive this torturous yet educational period teens indulge in the most interesting trend of that age "The opposite gender" or even in the same gender in a few cases because their hormones are evolving towards adulthood. Maybe that's why everybody has a crazy relationship in college. So to all the parents out there don't worry your kid is being perfectly normal if he/she is in a "relationship". Don't be extra protective and ground them or forbid them from socializing cause, we, human beings are social beings.


Day 1
11th July 2011
At college
I still remember the first time I walked into class of the first day of my days at APS Polytechnic. There was an orientation going for the first years(Us). I sat in the last bench as I was late and looked around at people. I saw this girl sit in the first bench she seemed cool I thought we would be friends. I don't know if she read my mind or whatever that it was. She spoke to me. I spent the rest of the day with her. And we both headed home. My friend (will be referred to as PD) invited me to her house and a boat ride and a skip and a hop from the usual I agreed to go their house. Since day 1 we both were inseparable.

Day N
Some date
At Pyramid Valley
I have had many friends by now in my class. We were in our second semester. And on the last day we all decided to go to Pyramid Valley. Let me introduce you to my friends. Well there are only two people you need to know about there's PD (whom you already know about) and then there is SMS. SMS and I were good friends but I don't really remember how we hit off for the first time. SMS and I had a little friction going on between us that's how we have always been. We fight. We makeup.  We laugh. We tease each other. We irritate each other and repeat. He and I have always been super close even after all that friction. We were great friends. He had once proposed me jokingly and we were the IT in college it was always me, PD and SMS's names pitched together. Coming back to this, that day I remember being really mad at SMS (the reason well is not important) and he kept irritating me and I used the F word on him. And PD ,by the end of our day at Pyramid Valley, tried to get us back to normal cause we wouldn't be seeing each other for another month and she knew we both had huge egos to text or call each other so that's exactly what happened. That was the beginning of the crack in our friendship. I'd say there was no more SMS and Push (as my friends call me). We came back to college after the vacation. PD and SMS had gotten a whole lot closer I dint even notice they were friends before cause SMS had always been my closest friend. Something had changed. But I was fine with their friendship. 

Bunk Day
Some date
Me at college, SMS and PD ansent from college. 

I text PD asking where she was and whether she was going to making it to college that day. She said she'd be at college on time. And then I get a text message from PD "SMS and I are in a relationship. Please don't tell anybody. Nobody knows except you. And we both won't be coming to college today." That shook the ground beneath. I never expected them to be together. 

Lonely day
Some date 
At college

I was feeling very distant from PD and SMS because they were all in "love", making me the third wheel, as we three usually hung out together. And now it was like I don't even exist. 

Black Day
Some date 
Me, PD and my bench mate SU at lunch break in class. 

SU was returning PD's notes and she usually just kept it in her bag so she did the same that day. Instead she found something very interesting. When PD was off with SMS being nauseating. SU showed me what she found in PD's bag it was contraceptive pills. Then I decided to talk to PD about it so she and I went to the corridor as we usually do just walking around in front of class. And I ask her. And she just smiles out of embarrassment first. And then agrees to them indulging in coitus. I was shaken. It was like I was at the shore and the tsunami just hit. 

One of the days of year end
Some date in 2013
Me at home

I get a call from PD's mom interrogating me about the relationship between PD and SMS. Apparently they had gone to Pyramid Valley lying at home that we had college even though we din't. 

That is where all the down fall started. PD was not allowed to come to college. Somehow she convinced her family to come to college. Her phone was taken away from her. She was hurt by words at home. Her feelings weren't being understood. Their family expects a rich good looking guy. And ,today, they are broken up. SMS just lies to her. He has told that he apparently has symptoms of mouth cancer. Bullshit. And he is trying to get her off his back. This is how he has always been. A flirt. But I feel in all these song and dance. Friendship was crushed. Hearts were truly broken. Mine and PD's. Mine because I din't have my friends anymore and PD's because well she was in love and her family was against it and the guy she loves did nothing to make her feel better. And there we were two best friends. Heart broken. Two days back PD told me I'm happy having you in my life. I think this is the gap reconciling in our friendship. I don't know if we are ever going to be close as before but I never wish to leave her side now because I know she needs me. I guess friendship did win over love. ❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤ 
Lots of love, readers. If I have do have any. 😋 Good night. Happy thoughts.

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