Friday, 4 April 2014

The Virtual Life!

  I have a laptop, a phone and an itouch 4g so many communicating devices. But it doesn't increase the communication does it? Virtual life is virtual. Virtual according to Google is, "almost or nearly as described, but not completely or according to strict definition."

  I have a lot of virtual friends. And I love all of them. They're people who are constantly in touch with me and they know the real 'ME'. I am the biggest Introvert you might probably ever meet. I am great on my blog because there isn't a human connection here. Nobody is going to cut me in when I have something to say. But whatever I write here is from the deepest place in my heart. And I respect this bond I have with my readers. This bond isn't virtual to me but it's very real. Coming back to my point, I have a lot of virtual friends. But as Google says, it's almost or nearly as described, my virtual friends are my friends, they know me. But it's not completely as described or according to strict definition. I can text my virtual friends. I can call them, video chat and everything but the human touch to the friendship is missing. Don't get me wrong, I do consider my virtual friends as my friends and one of the nicest people I  have ever known. I have learnt a lot from all of them. I have friends all over the world from USA to Australia. But we do talk about how we wish we could hang out for real. Let's face it, we love the internet and people we meet on here but we would so love to know them as real people up and about in their lives and make them a part of our lives.

  I wrote this because I have been feeling very alone lately and I just had to put my feelings out there. It is so easy to tell you guys this but not to real people in my life. I think they'd consider me to be wusses. But you know what I guess it is what I am. I have you guys. I have my real and virtual friends. Life is good.

 Thank you for always being here you guys. I don't know how many of you read my blog regularly but I know somebody out there is reading this that gives me a lot of comfort. Thank you. I slove you.

Your Blogger,
-Pushya C.

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