When I was to be born my mother wanted to name me, Avinash if I was a guy and wasn't sure what she was going to name me if i was going to be a girl. Those were the days when they prefered not knowing the gender of the baby. So when I was born in 1994 on Seventh of September, a Rainy Wednesday evening, my mother had decided to name me 'Padmaja'. Then my sister and her childhood friend/my neighbor decided my name was going to be 'Pavithra'. It's a pretty decent name. I would have been happy with either of it. A little boring, ancient names but I like old, boring things!
So when I was back home with my mother, everybody apparently comes meets (me) the baby and the mother. My father had a couple of close friends who were practically family back then. So this friend of my father and his family came to visit me and my mother. My father's friend had two kids in their early teens. They were talking to my mother asking her my name. When mother told them that they had decided 'Padmaja' for me, these kids were unenthusiastic about it because it was an ancient, boring name. So they pitched in the idea of naming me 'Pushya'. After a yabba dabba doo, my fate was sealed. I was going to be named 'Pushya'. Well, first of all, it is a nice name. It has a nice sound to it. But also, I say this by personal experience, it has a wide range of opportunities to be made fun of. And my name is a very rare name, I have met only two people with my name, one was a 7-8 year old baby girl and other was a guy on social networking. Honestly I don't know if these kids who suggested this name wanted to make my life more miserable, trying to pick on a kid just born, Sadists. But, whatever it was, I have had to deal with the consequences of it for 19 years and I am sure I am going to deal with it for the rest of my life. I have heard it all, people calling me Push-ya, Pull-ya, making all kind of Push-Pull jokes. You know how kids are in school, they are mean. They'd make fun of my name till I get flushed red with embarrassment. And also when I am introducing myself to somebody, it's always like, "My name is Pushya. P-U-S-H-Y-A. Yep." I always spell out my name for people. Well apparently when there are so many downsides to my name, it also has upsides. Pushya is a lunar mansion in Indian astronomy. Pushya is also known to be the Yellow Sapphire. Apparently, Human nature can be changed with the proper understanding of the Mathematical Principle applied to language, and specifically to name. I also further tried to do a little bit of research of my name on this site I got onto.
According to which, as Pushya, I take life and my responsibilities seriously. I am practical and intellectual, with interests in science, technology, mechanics and various mathematical aspects of life. I ,apparently, seek understanding through intellect using facts and scientific logic. I'm not very ambitious though I am steadfast and trustworthy in my work. I would be satisfied with a role of service. Settled conditions at home and business life mean a great deal to me. I do not have strong desires to travel and to make changes and would be happy to have a secure life. I am a perfectionist extremely exacting about possessions and the obligations. I work hard at activities but I lose interest if it gets monotonous. I tend to specialize, finding outlets in practical creativity like cooking, crafting or computer work. If I pursue music I'd be drawn to the technical aspects and strive for perfection. I am usually blunt and unaware of other's sensitive feeling causing misunderstandings. I am critical and complaining at times. I am not a natural optimist, I am moody and I have a temper. I am not idealistic or romantic. I am devoted to my loved ones. I can be too protective and possessive of them. In some ways I appear insensitive, in other ways, I am too indulgent and accommodating when it comes to my family and friends. Sometimes people do not know how to take you because of your unpredictable reactions. I am witty, but my wit can have a "bite" to it in the form of sarcasm. I am more apt to respond spontaneously to any suggestion that is made which involves a goof time. Therefore, I cannot be relied upon to carry their responsibilities as well as they should.
This was fun knowing things about me. Well most of it was true, you should go try it for yourself for laughs. Link: https://www.kabalarians.com/cfm/FreeNameReport.cfm#orderform.
A/N: Do not take these reports seriously. The power and control is always in your hands.
I will do a fun thing where I will color code my text based on whether it's true, not true or could be true for fun.
I see mostly green but that report was too long. I dint feel like reading it. Do check it out though if you are into. Don't if you are not. Well Aloha!
I'll write soon. I love you guys. Loads of love to the world. <3
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